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Healing Burnout in the Entertainment Industry Through the Entry Points of Mind, Body, and Spirit

When I first started showing signs of burnout deep into my career in Hollywood I only knew to schedule and appointment with a therapist. I fully understand that therapy can be life changing but it did not bring relief. Over the course of twenty years I have been following different paths to to feel better at work and at home and now understand the importance of a mind, body and spirit connection. Each part of the whole is an entry point into healing. I am learning to use different methods to heal my career burnout, release pain in my body and erase childhood trauma.

Healing Burnout Through the Mind: Rewriting the Story

Our family, friends and community influence the stories and beliefs that our minds hold onto old from a very young age and we don’t realize that this past programming affects how we live our lives today. These learned beliefs can help as well as hinder us, creating unseen behavioral patterns that we do not question and keep us stuck in who we are and the pain we are going through. 

  • Mindset Work: Developing the ability to address and process thoughts that create feelings of frustration, anger and stress relieves overwhelm and quiets ruminating quickly. Developing the skill of choosing your thoughts and momentary is the biggest source of healing that I have personally experienced. Awareness of how we speak to ourselves is one of the first actions we can take to begin the healing process. Author Byron Katie, has books and YouTube videos on her process of self-inquiry which gently helps people witness that not everything your mind thinks is true, allowing space between our thoughts and our actions.
  • Meditation and Visualization: The capacity to sit and respond to the happenings in our world instead of reacting to them is powerful. Response is choice of action while, reaction is action without choice. Creating the life I wanted, traveling the world, healing my trauma, having a steady career, a beautiful family and loving friends has started with meditation and visualization. I needed to listen to what my soul needed in order to build the life I wanted. I started meditation with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s free 21 day meditations, now available for purchase on the Chopra app. Continuing my healing journey I tried different types of mediations and attended in person and online offerings with multiple companies to find the meditation that works best for me. Unplug meditations, Waking Up and The Den Meditation are wonderful companies to begin your journey.

2. Healing Burnout Through the Body: Letting Go of Stored Feelings

We are energetic beings and our bodies hold the energy of our lived experiences. When we don’t process the emotions behind our hurt and pain our bodies hold the stress, anxiety and fear we refuse to face.

  • Movement as a Healing Practice: Moving your body can release stuck feelings and calm our nervous system. I had a lot of built up hurt that turned to anger which I was able to release using Taryn Toomey’s workout, The Class. There was much pain stored in my body and mind that consistent movement helped release. Releasing the old energy makes room for the new energy that you are creating as you heal. The release of stress and anxiety in a physical form over time is beautiful.
  • Breathwork: One of the most healing work I have done is breathwork. There are group classes available with qualified breathwork practitioners throughout Los Angeles. Each time I participate in a workshop there is deep healing and I am able to access my true thoughts and feelings while letting go of emotion I didn’t know I held in my body. Both The Class and Unplug Meditation offer in person classes for breath work.

3. Healing Burnout Through the Spirit: Finding Your Inner Wisdom

Healing the spirit is about connecting with you. There are many ways to do this from automatic writing, meditation, mindful journaling and breath work.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: I thought meditation was about quieting the mind and found it frustrating, however, I learned that it is not about quieting the mind, it is about witnessing the thoughts and letting them go. The mind is an organ that creates thoughts just like our lungs breathe air. The mind does not stop. I started to meditate to create energetic boundaries and a foundational sense of wellbeing. Now I meditate to continue the practice of response so when I need to refocus my thoughts I have practice doing so when not under stress. I think we all ruminate on things that happen in our lives that hurt or annoy us and I found meditation gives me the control to release it. My relationship with the Universe is growing and is one of the most significant changes in my world that has led to a higher quality of life and peace.
  • Journaling for Spiritual Insight: I journaled all through my teen years. It was angst and helplessness followed by directives to lose weight, make more money and start exercising kept me in a vicious circle of pain. Yes, writing down your thoughts can help but if you don’t know how to move out of your current thought patterns then you are just asking painful questions that don’t help you heal. There are many books and courses that can help you with finding questions that unlock your inner wisdom. The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey is a good place to start. 

When we connect with our spirit, there is peace and knowing that cannot be given to us by anyone, we earn it by doing the work and in turn we become more loving to ourselves and others.

Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit into Healing Burnout

Deep healing is lasting and life changing. You can choose an entry point into healing and each segment will help create a happier you but to create the balance for life long healing you will need to address mind, body, and spirit together.

  • Creating a Personal Healing Journey: Start where you feel you need the most help. If your mind is full of negative thoughts, begin with mindset work. If you feel tension in your body, start with movement. If you feel lost or disconnected, focus on your spirit. Choose simple daily practices like morning stretches, a 5-minute meditation, or journaling before bed.
  • Overlapping Practices: Some activities help heal multiple areas at once. Yoga, for example, is great for both body and spirit. Visualization combines mind and spirit work. Find what feels good for you and make it part of your routine.

When we integrate mind, body, and spirit, we start to see the world—and ourselves—in a new light. We become more balanced, healthier, and more connected to who we really are.

Healing burnout changes how you are affected by the demands of your day. Connecting your healing practice to incorporate your mind, body, and spirit, allows you to let go of past beliefs, create a dynamic foundation for your future and address and release the daily challenges you come up against so you can create your successful Hollywood career.

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